Plot Turn 1

Plot Turn 1 (the Inciting Incident) occurs at the 25% mark of story. For reference, it is the climax of Act 1. This is when the setup ends, the protagonist’s life truly begins, and the real story is launched.

The entire first quarter of the novel has been leading up to this event. Readers should care about the protagonist and be invested in their goals at this point. There should be monumental stakes, tension, and adequate foreshadowing for what you have planned for the inciting incident.

How the protagonist reacts to Plot Turn 1 is the beginning of Act 2. Thus, the event will have to be so catastrophic that the protagonist simply must react strongly enough to push the story forward.

There are two vital aspects of Plot Turn 1 that can’t be overlooked:

1. Plot Turn 1 is where you’ll introduce the main conflict and, thus, the antagonist. This is done through an event (the call to adventure) that thwarts the protagonist’s previous, more short-sighted goals. Their altered priorities then force them to engage in the conflict. They go from being a bystander to being key player with something to lose. This is where your HERO becomes a ROLE. The character’s world and circumstances change and they meets new people, secrets, and ideas.

2. Furthermore, it is impossible for the character to return to their old life in the Orientation. You must place them in a position where they are locked into the central conflict and must move forward - away from their old life. Maybe they were trapped for a while before, but, either way, the inciting incident is when they realize it. They have a new obligation and if you don’t do something about it, something terrible will happen.  

Plot Turn 1 is the beginning of the real story. It is one of the most exciting events in your book, so make it live up to the hype. Kick the story off with a bang that will leave readers reeling.


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