The Middle
The middle (or second act) of your novel will consist of your protagonist trying and failing to achieve their goal. Act 2’s structure begins after the First Plot Point with Pinch 1, then the Midpoint, then Pinch 2. Pinch points should raise tension by reminding the reader of what the protagonist has to lose or of the villain’s power. Make the situation life-or-death through a reveal or reminder. These Pinch Points both lead to and extrapolate off of the Midpoint. Pinch 1 - 1/4 of Act 2 Pinch 1 is just after the First Plot Point, so the protagonist is still scrambling to adjust to his new circumstances. He is already confused, so it’s the perfect time to throw him further off balance by introducing new clues about the nature of the conflict. Pinch 1 should show readers that the story is bigger than they expected, so there is more riding on the protagonist’s decisions. Reveal something about the context of the novel or apply new meaning to something the readers already know. T...