4 Ways to Read More

With everything going on in life, reading usually gets brushed under the rug. School, work, and chores take its place. But there is value and joy in reading. Have you ever regretted hours spent engrossed in a book you enjoyed? It’s hard to make time for, but totally worth it and self-gratifying. Here are a few ways to read more:

1. Schedule a fixed and realistic reading time for yourself. Perhaps for fifteen minutes after waking up or twenty minutes before bed. Small increments add up quickly!

2. Always have a book with you. This way, you can read whenever you have a spare moment: in the bathroom, in waiting rooms, between classes, etc. Instead of launching Netflix, reach for a book instead.

3. Keep a physical book, an ebook, and an audiobook. With multiple platforms, you can read many books at once without losing interest or putting one down. Plus, audiobooks allow you to multitask and read when you usually can’t.  

4.  Read what you love and get passionate about books! I like to watch booktube or go to the bookstore for motivation. Try not to discourage yourself by thinking, “I should be reading right now.” Ask if you don’t want to read or if it’s the book you aren’t enjoying.

It’s about enjoying the book, so don’t pressure yourself if you’re a slow reader. Do your best - and remember, small increments add up!

How do you read more? What’s your motivation? Leave a comment!


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