Get Inspired to Write!

By now I’m sure every writer has made New Year’s resolutions. Probably big ones, like: write more, finish my novel, read X amount of books this year, etc. Maybe small goals, like: write for one extra minute with each writing session. Those goals can sound daunting, but they don’t have to be.

While discipline is integral to the writing process, inspiration has a role, too. When writing is fun, you’ll want to do it and be more likely to. Here’s how to make writing more enjoyable:

1. Write somewhere you love by creating a space you’ll want to be in. Choose somewhere comfortable and with few distractions. It could be a desk, a recliner, a corner of your bedroom, or a blanket fort. Decorate your space with personal things that delight and inspire you: photos, trinkets, figurines, lights, origami animals, quotes, etc. Let some sunlight in, put fun plants around to clean the air, and keep it organized. If you get bored in one area, change it up - write in different places to keep your creative juices flowing.

2. Create an inspirational board of writers, books, quotes, imagery, and/or poetry. Utilize Google and Pinterest, print some images, and tack them to a corkboard. Put it in your writing space to lift your mood and determination.

3. Attire matters. If you’re a writer, you probably do most of your work at home and nobody would know if you wore your Hello Kitty pajamas and no makeup all day. So what’s stopping you? Embrace your freedom! It motivates me to know that after a rough day at school I can relax in comfy sweats to write.

4. Listen to music while you write. Use a premade playlist on Youtube or Spotify or create your own. Choose songs you like and that endorse creativity, but that don’t hinder your concentration. I suggest having a premade playlist or putting your phone across the room so you aren’t tempted to fiddle with music-selection.

5. Taking breaks and rewarding yourself is important. Treat yourself after an extra long writing session, or after a regular session just because you were able to do it. The hardest part of anything is showing up. If you can do that, you deserve a hot bath and a chocolate bar.

Make writing fun and you’ll stick to your resolutions. Find little ways, like drinking tea while you type or lighting a few candles. Get inspired and discipline yourself; you’re on your way.


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