(Healthy) Chocolate Pudding Recipe

Pudding: you either love it or you hate it. I used to be part of the latter group. As a child, the processed taste of store-bought vanilla and its cold, jelly-like qualities mortified me. And, while I didn’t care then, those cups are wildly unhealthy.

However, pudding doesn’t have to taste like it was made in a factory. There’s nothing I can do about the consistency, but with the right ingredients, pudding can be a tasty and healthy writing snack. Here is my favorite pudding recipe; all you’ll need is these ingredients and a blender:

½ tbs unsweetened cocoa powder
½ small ripe avocado
½ ripe banana
3 medium size strawberries
Makes 2 servings

This recipe is full of healthy fats to keep you full while writing and the cocoa powder contains antioxidants. Your story and your brain will thank you for choosing such a nourishing snack.

P.S. - It tastes fantastic with granola. Enjoy!


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