Does God Want You to Be A Writer?
As a teen writer, I understand it’s nearly impossible to know what God wants for you at this point in your life. I thought I knew since age eleven I would be an author. Now, at sixteen, I also feel God pushing me to work for a company that helps children in third world countries. If you are going through a similar debacle and aren’t sure what God is calling you to, ask yourself these questions: Do I feel a deep desire to write? If God has put it on your heart to write, you’ll feel it. God wouldn’t call you to something you don’t like. He wants us to serve Him, and in doing so be fulfilled. What do others say about my work? What others say doesn’t define your ability, but if others praise you or you’ve won awards for your writings, it means God’s given you a gift. God wants us to use our gifts. Even if no one praises your work, you can still be a gifted writer. Has God spoken to me through Scripture? Have you been struck by a parable or verse that confirms your passion for writi...