It’s fascinating how most stories follow the same structure. Generally, there’s the Orientation, the First Plot Point, Pinch One, the Midpoint, Pinch Two, the Second Plot Point, then the Resolution. I’ve found that this structure is the cure to writer’s block. A sculptor cannot mold a statue from mud. A painter cannot create a masterpiece on his front lawn. Sculptors need clay, painters need canvases. In the same way, this structure serves as the foundation for our art form. Without it, it’s difficult to create anything at all. That being said, some people think of structure as restricting, similar to how discovery writers view outlines. But, honestly, this foundation makes the process easier and your story stronger. There’s a reason this same basic story structure has been used since the beginning of time; it works. All of the familiar plot points are there, but that doesn’t make the story trite. Readers like structure. We’d all get annoyed if the villain w...