
Showing posts from November, 2017

Develop Your Story in 5 Steps

Fleshing out a story is both painstaking and fun. For me, it begins with turning an idea into a scenario. Develop a scenario and focus. A scenario is a conflict or a simple event. What happens? How is it interesting? Does it have the potential for a focus? A story’s focus is what you want to draw attention to through your scenario. What are you passionate about? What disturbs you that disturbs no one else? What do you have to say that’s never been said before? Why are you saying it through this story in particular? Example for Frankenstein : Scenario: A man scientifically creates a hideous monster out of dead matter. Focus: How people treat what they don’t understand. The essence of human nature. The consequences of arrogance. How our families affect us. Where the boundaries of scientific research are. Example for The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe . Scenario: Three siblings go through a wardrobe and find a magical world where a wicked witch has coldly reigne...

Platforming in 5 Steps

A platform is essentially the writer in an online form. Your platform is how you reach readers and writers and how they can glimpse your personality. Furthermore, agents and editors seriously consider how an author presents themself online. They look at what you’re posting, how consistent you are, your audience, your popularity, and much more. 1. Create a concise description of yourself as a writer. List a few major accomplishments, passions, and what you offer to potential readers. This can go in your bios or it can be used when submitting articles. 2. Ask yourself who you want to reach and how you want them to view you. Based on your conclusion, brainstorm three to four topics your platform will focus on. Choose things you are passionate about and that mesh well together. In continuation, the way people feel about you is largely determined by your use of color, font, article topics, and so on. 3. Select social media sites you will use. Remember, it isn’t necessary to use all...

3 Things to Try When You Feel Far From God

Personally, I’m tired, over-worked, and stressed because of school. I don’t feel like God is near. When we don’t feel His love, it’s like He’s abandoned us. But that isn’t true. He loves us and promised to always be with us regardless of how we feel about Him. While it sucks when we can’t feel Him, it won’t last forever. To stay close to God when you don’t feel Him, try this: 1. Search comforting Bible verses on Pinterest or Google. I like Matthew 11:28-30, Matthew 6:25-34, and Romans 8:37. These verses break my heart in the most unexpected ways, letting Jesus in. 2. Drop the rituals. If praying isn’t working, go out in nature or listen to melancholy music and cry. Crying is a catharsis that can bring us closer to Him. Take some quiet time and don’t feel guilty about relaxing. Spend time with your family. Being with others helps us get out of ourselves and closer to God. Remember: you’re only human. 3. Find Youtube videos on feeling far from God or other spiritual subjects clo...